Ashley Stratton | Owner / CEO

About Ashley

Born and raised in Spencer County, gymnast Ashley Stratton wanted to share her love for the sport and the life lessons she's learned with the kids in her community. Competing as a Level 10 gymnast as well as being a Spencer County and UofL cheerleader lent her memories and life lessons few kids have the opportunity to experience.

"I feel that I benefited so much from my history in gymnastics. It is so gratifying to set goals, work towards them and achieve them. Gymnastics differs so much from many sports. There are always new skills to strive for regardless of your level or age. There's always a challenge!"  

Why Spencer County?

“Traveling to Jefferson County was many times a hardship for my family. After working all day in Louisville, the last thing my parents wanted to do was drive back out there again. I felt this was true for most people, so I decided to open a gym here in my hometown.  Branching out into this small community was a little scary. Was there even enough kids here to make this work? Well, yes there was! Being here is such a blessing. The families in Spencer County have been so receptive and encouraging. I'm just grateful for this opportunity and am so thankful for this community and all my customers.”

Meet the Team

  • spencer county ky gym

    Ashley - Owner & Coach

    Ashley is a former Level 10 gymnast and UofL cheerleader. She's owned CEGA since 2009. She's a certified personal trainer, has a psychology degree, and has been coaching gymnastics for over a decade. She coaches CEGA’s Xcel Gold-Diamond Teams & Levels 8-9.

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    Nicole- Rec Director & Coach

    Nicole is a former cheerleader and was a gym director in Lexington for 3.5 years. She has worked with children for over a decade and has coached gymnastics on and off since 2014. She is our Rec Director here at CEGA and mostly teaches Parent/Tot & Pre-k but you will see her all around the gym!

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    Christy - Team Director & Coach

    Christy is a former Level 6 gymnast & former competitive cheerleader. She is a certified personal trainer and has been coaching gymnastics for over a decade. She is our Team Director here at CEGA and coaches our Xcel Silver Team as well as rec classes.